This is what I knew when I first signed up for spin that fateful day:
-It was on a bike.
-It was set to music.
-It was a good workout!
Hey, it sounded good to me. At the time, I had just started my gym membership and only taken half-hour classes, so I assumed spinning was a half-hour, too.
HAHAHA. As you spinners know, it is quite intense. However, I didn't read fitness blogs at the time, and I had absolutely no idea what was in store for me.
I had only been running for twenty minutes at a time back then, and I was just starting to get in shape. When the instructor said to increase the tension, I increased it every time. I struggled, waiting for the half-hour mark. When we showed no sign of cooling down, I assumed it was a 45 minute class. At 40 minutes I realized it was an hour class. I looked around me at all the hardcore spinners and felt crestfallen. They were still going strong.
They even had fancy water bottles. =(
I was exhausted. I was intimidated. And I wanted OUTTA THERE! I hopped off that bike at the conclusion of the class, felt happy that I survived (and defeated at the same time), and thought I would try again someday. When I was ready.
"When I was ready" turned out to be two years later. Today. I'd been eyeing the spin schedule, but I didn't have the guts to take it on.
Thanks to prom, my sleep schedule was all messed up. I woke up at 5:00 am. I'm an early riser, but that's pushing it for me! Despite trying to get back to sleep, my stomach was roaring, so I gave in, made breakfast, and decided to do something crazy. Spin.
I drove to the gym with classical music on, hoping to calm down. I mustered the cheeriest good morning to the receptionist and signed up at 6:10 am, then hopped on the treadmill for forty minutes. Guilty pleasure while walking on the treadmill: reading the Gossip Girl series. It's so addicting! My 2 miles were filled with the cattiness and glitz of Manhattan socialites.
I was so scared of taking spin again that I almost walked out after my warm-up. After a quick stretch, I entered the workout room. Luckily, some nice spinners showed me how to move and adjust my bike.
I'm proud to say I didn't struggle until about 40 minutes in. I stopped increasing the tension, then, and didn't hesitate to back off. After injuring myself from pushing it, I'm slooowly learning the difference between challenging your limits and pushing myself past the critical point of pain. Discomfort is okay. Sharp pain is NOT okay. This is now permanently ingrained in my head.
I walked out of the class today encouraged by the friendly spinners. I'm going to back just to completely get over my fear of it, but today was encouraging. I really love working out in the morning.
Good day! Now if only I could get my left eye to stop burning from too much chlorine....
(Dinner was leftovers from T.G.I. Friday's: Jack Daniel's chicken and sweet potato fries on top of romaine and tomatoes. My mom thinks I'm weird because I combine potatoes and lettuce. I THINK NOT.)
My legs were sore today, so I took it easy and stretched out with a swim.
I was craving a burger (although I doubt nothing will surpass my beloved Shack Shack), so I decided to head to Checkers. I got a Cheese Champ accidentally, but it was good. Next time, I'm going to forgo the mayo. (Sometimes, I just have to say AYYYYYYYO, PLEASE NO MAYO.)
For dinner, I cooked grilled some delicious eggplant with mozzarella and tomatoes, on top of spaghetti. I also had a salad with tomato, mozzarella, and honey mustard dressing. YUM.

(SO DELISH. I could eat eggplant forever, pretty much.)
(I love putting the cheese from the main course in my salad. It's like the previews that get you excited for the movie.)
(My snack on top of my workout schedule. The banana is covering all my "tough" workouts, I swear. Accompanied by much more than two of those amazing chocolate-covered cashews. I could munch on these lots more. Soooo good.)
I was craving a burger (although I doubt nothing will surpass my beloved Shack Shack), so I decided to head to Checkers. I got a Cheese Champ accidentally, but it was good. Next time, I'm going to forgo the mayo. (Sometimes, I just have to say AYYYYYYYO, PLEASE NO MAYO.)
For dinner, I cooked grilled some delicious eggplant with mozzarella and tomatoes, on top of spaghetti. I also had a salad with tomato, mozzarella, and honey mustard dressing. YUM.
(SO DELISH. I could eat eggplant forever, pretty much.)
Sunday: 40 min. walk (2 miles) + 60 min. spin + 45 min. swim
Monday: 30 min. swim
What's something that scares you? Is it a workout that pushes your limits, or a new situation that gives you the jitters?
Hey April! Thanks for the really nice comments on my blog! I'm adding yours to my google reader! :) I've never tried sprinkles on toast, but that sounds deelish! Congrats on conquering your spin class!
ReplyDeleteha I really enjoyed reading this. I love spinning - and it's always a tough workout, so congrats on conquering your fears :)
ReplyDeleteGood for you for taking that spin class April! I've never done it before, but it definitely sounds easier than what it's truly like. You are CHAMPION for pulling through for sure!
ReplyDeleteAnd omg I love the eggplant with the mozzarella/tomato sauce. I want something like that PRONTO!