And then...I overslept!! Luckily, my dad kicked me out of bed at 7:30--I was supposed to be there by 8, yikes! I bolted out, threw on my race clothes, snagged some pb, and headed to the race start. I was there by 8:15, which was fine, since the gun was at 9:00. I mingled, picked up my shirt, and soon--we were off!!

(I snapped a quick photo before leaving my house. I'm wearing my favorite Killer Socks shirt, that has a nifty zipper in the back for my ID.)
My lovely parents took this shot of me at mile 1. It's totally normal to act goofy in just a 5k, right?? My lax coach paced me for the first mile (10:08), but then I was on my own. I was in bliss! I was running faster than I have in ages, accompanied with some music (Disney classics next to Simple Plan. I hadn't listened to either of them in a while. Best mix ever).
As much as I was enjoying myself, I was afraid of burn-out. I knew I couldn't hold a 10:00 pace for three miles with no training. I'd only run a few times this month, and I've only run three miles twice! One was about 37:00 and the other about 35:00. I knew I had to slow it down.
Still, I was GIDDY!
(Around the three-mile mark, I'm still pacing well and feeling strong.)
I had started my Garmin late, so I knew my time was off, but after the first mile, I slowed to about an 11:15 pace. Which quickly became an 11:24 pace. I tried to keep it around 11:20 or so, and took the third mile back up to about 11:00. Toward the last half mile, I saw my pace creep to 12:00, and I fought it back down to 11:16 for the final lap around the track. That was a tough fight.
Somehow, for me, the second the finish line is in sight, it all gets so much harder. You'd think it would be easier, because it's *right there*, but all my mind is thinking is...less than a quarter mile? I'm practically there! Can I walk now? I'm thirsty. My calves are bothering me. Those people staring think I'm evolving into a turtle, I bet.
I dug out all I could and finished in 32:10. That's right, nearly a two-minute PR. With no formal training!!
I was so thrilled. Fueled up with a banana and took some more goofy photos before heading home.
Of course, because I just can't get enough activity into my day, I went KAYAKING!
There was a local festival out on the bay, so my mom and I took a two-seater kayak out and paddled. My arms were much stronger than the last time I did this (yay, weight training!). <- I never thought I would say that. Should I preserve this moment?
Anyway, some good food this week:
Roasted red pepper hummus (Athenos), baby carrots, and crackers:
Grilled eggplant with mozzarella and tomatoes on a bun, and sauteed asparagus:
And the first ice cream cone of the season! Mint chocolate chip, my favorite.

(Okay, I try not to play favorites. They are all delicious and I would never turn ice cream down, pretty much.)
A runner today had a shirt that said "The only difference between try and triumph is the UMPH!" on the back. I loved it. I'm a sucker for cheesy motivational sayings.
What's your favorite ice cream or froyo flavor? I'm long overdue for froyo. =D
And do you have a favorite saying?
Congrats on your PR!! 2 minutes is huge! You'll be breaking 30 next thing you know :)