Thursday, February 9, 2012

Late Night Laundry

Wednesday I went to yoga with Mel...I could finally do the chair pose without completely dying! It was intense, but it felt good.

Then...late-night laundry!

A friend surprised me by making extra chicken nuggets in the kitchen...wooo for an unexpected snack!

I decided to treat myself to some waffles-a-la-mode this morning...for no other reason than the fact that it has been a crazy week. Very stressful. It was almost *too* sweet, though. I think I prefer my usual combo of peaches and whipped cream, instead.

After classes and some homework, I ran with L for a speedy three miles (splits were 10:23, 9:50, and my watch died, so...I'm guessing 10-10:20ish).

We went to the Relay for Life rally!

I had a giant salad and baked penne:
And then I piled peppers on my pizza, yuuum.

I've been listening to so much Glee music lately ("I Just Can't Stop Loving You" is SO SINGABLE while studying!), but I haven't watched any tv.

What's your latest tv addiction?
I miss watching Glee and White Collar, but there's simply too much going on for tv time too!

My friends have weird nicknames for each other. Mel alternates between calling me anything from puppy to pumpernickel (really). Do you have a nickname?
I've called her jellybean and sour patch kid. Sense a trend in my nicknaming? Hehe.

1 comment:

  1. Glee is the only current tv I watch, though sometimes we Hulu The Daily Show and Colbert Report lately.

    When I was a kid, my nickname was Tigger because I bounced around a lot.
